Future life with Fiveways School
“What does a good life look like for me now and in the future?”

UPDATE – Ten Tors Jubilee Challenge 2023

They did it!…Congratulations to our wonderful students who completed The Ten Tors Jubilee Challenge. Parents, staff, friends and family are so proud of their efforts.

A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone including the staff and Army volunteers who supported our young people to train for and take part in this event.

Eight students from Fiveways took part in this year’s Ten Tors Jubilee Challenge. The group trained hard, building up their stamina and tackling different terrain ready for the event. They learnt about maps and using the route tracker as well as remembering the country code and keeping themselves safe. Watch the videos below to see how our young people helped each other keep healthy and fit and enjoy the great outdoors.

Practice walk 3

Practice walk 2