Future life with Fiveways School
“What does a good life look like for me now and in the future?”

Awards and Accreditation

Our young people will be working towards the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards during their time in 6th Form. We will be following the four Duke of Edinburgh strands as follows:


6th Form students continue to work and build on their Communication and Interaction goals.


6th Form students take part in a wide range of physical activities so they can continue to strengthen and enjoy their own physical skills. This may include sessions on Thunder, Rebound, Hydrotherapy sessions and physical activities within the community.


6th Form students are encouraged to understand the importance of volunteering and undertake voluntary work both within the school and the wider community.




6th Form students may get the opportunity to spend a night away from home to experience what it might be like to live independently.


Click here to see our students complete their 2023 Jubilee Challenge

Here at Fiveways the award programme we use in the 6th Form is called AQA (Click on the logo above to visit their website). It provides a framework of activities to develop skills within a variety of subjects and within a sensory and physical curriculum.  There is an achievement continuum which we use to measure and record our young people’s learning from encounter and sensory experience through to gestural, spoken and signed help. We are piloting AQA accreditation for our 16-19 learners, with a view to extending this into our 14-16 curriculum in Class 5. 

The AQA Unit Award Scheme (UAS) gives us flexibility to choose individual units for our 6th formers that are linked not only to the Preparation for Adulthood outcomes but also our Fiveways Curriculum and areas of interest for our learners. We are currently taking part in the following modules:

Multisensory Experiences

6th Form students take part in a wide variety of different sensory experiences and their progress is recorded to help them achieve their personal learning goals in each activity.

Independent Living

6th Form students learn and are assessed on the skills they learn in readiness for their lives in the future. This may be in planning meals, cooking, shopping, cleaning and laundry.


6th Form students try a variety of internal work experience and continue to take part in school based jobs. The skills and interests they develop will determine the work experience placement that can be offered.

Healthy Living

Our students are helped throughout their school life to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 6th form students work hard to put what they have learned into practice in order that they can take personal resposibility for living a healthy adult life.