Health Support - Key Information
Please telephone the school by 8.15am if your child/young person is absent from school for any reason. However, if they have a planned medical appointment, please complete the Medical Appointment Notification Form in your child’s/young person’s Home School Book or you can print a copy from here Medical Appointment Notification Form
Infection Control:
Any pupil who experiences unusual diarrhoea and/or vomiting are required to stay away from school for 48 hours, after the last bout. More detailed information about the school’s Attendance Policy can be found here
If your child is suffering from fever, excessive cold symptoms or flu please keep them at home until they recover in order to avoid passing infections on to other pupils and staff. More information is available in the Home School Book (Infection Control Table)
Manual Handling:
For all our children/young people who need it, we work closely with the Occupational Therapists to define specific manual handling arrangements in an Individualised Manual Handling Risk Assessment.
Slings / Hoisting:
It is often time consuming and uncomfortable for children to have their slings guided into position around them. As the majority of our students have in-chair slings we request that all pupils who have a sling and require hoisting, arrive in school with their named sling correctly positioned in their chair.
Although useful to know, it is often difficult to weigh children and young people who are normally hoisted. As we have hoist scales in school, please just let us know if you would like us to weigh your child, by putting a note in their Home School Book.
Any pupil who requires medication to be given in school, either regularly or on a temporary basis must have a completed Administration of Medication Form which can be found in your child’s/young person’s Home School Book or you can print a copy from here Administration of Medication Form. All medication must be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name, date, prescribed dose and administration details.
Enteral Feeding Clinics:
Pupils who require gastrostomy feeding can be seen at school in a clinic which parents are welcome to attend.
First Aid:
Key school staff are trained in first aid and will gain the ‘First Aid in School’s’ qualification
Pupil Care Plans:
All pupils have individualised Pupil Health Care Plans
Personal Evacuation Plans:
All pupils have a Personal Evacuation Plan
Tooth Brushing:
Pupils will be supported to brush their teeth after lunch. Parents are asked to provide an appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste.
Any pupil who experiences any form of incontinence MUST wear appropriate swimwear products in order to access the school hydrotherapy/swimming pool.
Orthotics clinics are held regularly at Fiveways School and parents are welcome at these appointments. Parents should contact the Fiveways MOVE Team or Yeovil District Hospital regarding.
Children’s Integrated Therapy Services:
Somerset Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists can be contacted on 01935 848246
Paediatric Continence Nurse Specialist: Childrens Integrated Therapy Services:
Dee Taylor is the Incontinence Nurse in our area. She can be contacted by
There is also a continence educator available.
Elinor Cox is a Paediatrics Bladder & Bowel Educator. She can be contacted by
Tel: 01935 846540 or 07584 618901 or e-mail:
Wheelchair and Equipment Servicing and Repairs:
AJM Wheelchair Service can be contacted on 0333 003 5621 or 0333 003 2407
If you arrange for them to make a repair in school, please would you let the school know in advance.