1. Annual Review Meeting
The purpose of the Annual Review is to make sure that at least once a year parent carers, the pupil, school and professionals monitor and evaluate the continued effectiveness and relevance of provision set out in the EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan).
This meeting provides a forum to discuss pupil progress, any barriers to learning and to celebrate achievements.
The EHCP is read by those attending prior to the review so it can be reviewed, including strengths and needs.
A written educational report is discussed; learning priorities, strategies and support are agreed between parent carers, staff and wherever possible pupils
2. Person Centred Review Meeting (Transition Planning)
In Year 9 and above, Annual Reviews take place in the form of Person Centred Reviews (PCRs).
PCRs are a structured pupil focused format for Annual Review meetings. They enable pupil, parents / carers, education, health, social care and other professionals involved in the pupil’s life to make contribution in ways that are meaningful and collaborative. The focus is on enabling a shared understanding of the strengths, needs and outcomes for pupils so they achieve their full potential – “What does a good life look like for me now and in the future?” The young person is at the centre of the review and is supported by a PCR facilitator to contribute and be involved before, during and after the review. The holistic information gathered is used to plan for their next steps and life beyond Fiveways towards adulthood taking into account their likes, dislikes, strengths and needs.