Trust Information
Objects, Aims, Objectives and Principle Activity
The Trust’s objects are to provide for the benefit of the pupils of Fiveways School, which is a Local Authority run school for children and young adults with disabilities in the local area.
We have complied with the duty in section 17(5) of the 2011 Charities Act to have due regard to guidance published by the Charity Commission when reviewing our aim and objectives and in planning our future activities. In particular the Trustees consider how planned activities will contribute to the aims and objectives they have set.
Strategic aim and intended effect
The aim of the Trust is to raise funds through donations and appeals, in order to finance School projects.
No strategic targets are set for the level of income received, except where a specific project is identified.
Public Benefit
The Trust raises funds by obtaining donations from various charities and through appeals to the general public. This income is used to finance School projects.
The Trust owns freehold property, which is offered for use free of charge to the School.
Principle Funding
The principle funding is from investment income.
Risk Management
The Trustees have assessed the major risks to which the Charity is exposed, in particular those related to the operations and finances of the Trust. We are satisfied that systems are in place to mitigate our exposure to the major risks.
Future plans
Aims and key objectives for future periods
The Trustees support the school’s interest to make best use of the upper storey of the two Trust owned houses and an initial feasibility visit is to be undertaken.
Structure, Governance and Management
Governing document
The Fiveways School Trust, a registered charity, is constituted by a Trust Deed.
Recruitment and appointment of Trustees
Appointment of Trustees is governed by the Trust Deed of the charity. The board of Trustees is authorised to appoint new Trustees to fill vacancies arising through resignation or death of an existing Trustee. The policy is that new Trustees will be selected based on the appropriateness of their level of expertise to that required in the vacant role. On appointing new Trustees, a meeting would be held with them to advise them of their responsibilities before their signing a declaration of acceptance of the appointment and willingness to act for the Trust.
The Trustees make all decisions regarding the operation of the Trust.
Investment Powers
The Trust Deed authorises the Trustees to make and hold investments using the general funds of the charity.
Investment Policy
The Trustees have employed professional stockbrokers to handle the charity’s portfolio of investments. The Trustees consider the return on investment in the year to be satisfactory.