Future life with Fiveways School
“What does a good life look like for me now and in the future?”

Headteacher / Governors

Introduction by the Headteacher

Welcome to Fiveways School

It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome you to our school website. Fiveways School is situated in the Somerset town of Yeovil and provides education for children aged 4 to 19 with PMLD, SLD and other complex needs.

Our vision is to provide a happy and secure learning environment, rich in stimulation and challenge to ensure all members of the school community can grow in self-esteem and develop to their full potential.

Fiveways School is a community where everybody is welcomed and no one should feel alone. We show respect for everyone and care about our school environment. We set high standards of learning and care and celebrate even the smallest achievements of every pupil. We value the partnership which exists between our school, our parents, our community and the part we all play in realising our vision.

We are committed to providing the best education experiences for all pupils within a caring, and kind atmosphere. In all we do, we aim to instil in all our pupils an awareness of their own strengths, abilities, talents and responsibilities so that they can become as independent as possible in the world in which they live.

We have an active PTFA who work hard to support the school in many ways.

Our committed and knowledgeable governing body support us and play an active role in the life of the school.

We are very proud of our school and its achievements. Ofsted judged us to be ‘Outstanding’ in every area during their latest inspection.

We invite you to come and visit us; please telephone the school office to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing parents of pupils currently attending the school as well as meeting parents of pupils who will join our school in the future.

If you would like a paper copy of any of the documents or information on this website, please contact the school office.

Kind regards

Swavek Nowakiewicz


A Message from our Chairman of Governors

A warm welcome to our school. The Senior management team, staff and Governors are dedicated to providing your child with the best education, environment and enjoyment throughout their time at Fiveways. We are a forward looking Governing body always seeking to improve and enhance the facilities for our children. We believe in a close family atmosphere that is welcoming to everybody and provides an easy learning environment.

Our aim is to listen to those who use the school and use this as the basis of future development. In order to do this we publish an Annual Report in the Spring term so that any issues may be discussed, before setting the School Improvement Plan for the following year.

From time to time vacancies exist on the Governing Body and new members are always welcomed into the team.

Please look at our website and if you feel you would benefit from contacting any of the governors then please feel free to do so via the school.

Malcolm Gulliver
Chair of Governors



Fiveways School Governors

The governing body is made up of 12 governors: 2 elected parents, 1 elected staff, 1 Headteacher, 1 LA appointed and 7 Co-opted. The school currently has no associate governors.

Business meetings attended by all governors are held 4 times a year. There are 6 sub committees; finance/premises, staffing, curriculum, pay-made up of finance sub members, school improvement group and Headteachers performance management.