Future life with Fiveways School
“What does a good life look like for me now and in the future?”

Friends of Fiveways School FoFSA

The Friends of Fiveways school (Charity no: 1097754) is our PTA and it organises activities throughout the year, raising monies for identified purposes, in support of the school and its pupils.

If you are interested in helping or supporting FoFSA in any way we would love to hear from you. Please contact Sarah Barnes smarkham@fiveways.school

FOFSA really are a friendly bunch! We will give anyone willing to ‘lend a hand’ a warm welcome. We just want to give our pupils that ‘little bit extra’

This year’s fete was again a huge success.

Together we raised nearly £1000.

Thank you to all the staff, parents, friends and family whose continued support allows us to provide those little extras that enhance our pupil’s school life.

Click here to find out how you could help us raise funds simply by shopping online!

Visit our Facebook page to find out more